Small Groups

Small Groups are a time to connect together in community and encourage each other in our daily walk as Christians. They're an opportunity to build close friendships within the church, and to support one another as we do life together.

The STBBC community meet regularly in smaller Midweek Small Groups either weekly or monthly. Each Small Group has its own character and pattern, but all involve meeting together to pray and study the Bible.

Many of our Small Groups follow material that relates to our Sunday services, helping to unpack passages of the Bible further and discuss how they apply to our lives. Small Groups also give us a great opportunity to develop friendships and grow together through sharing, praying and socialising with one another.

Most of our Small Groups meet in local homes on different evenings, although a number meet at other times during the week.


Thursday Bible study


An opportunity to read and study the Bible together. Everyone is welcome.

For more information please contact us.


Thursdays, 9:30 - 10:30am